New Diet Pill Combo

Has Doctors Raving

Think Diet Pills Don’t Work? Here Are Two That May Actually Deliver...

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Move Over Weight Watchers, a new dietary supplement combination has doctors raving. Due to its almost unbelievable results, it has also created quite a frenzy among dieters. The unique combination of Garcinia Cambogia, a fat burning extract from a rare tropical fruit, and Green Coffee Beans is so effective it has become one of the hottest diets in the United States - But not without controversy.

Critics say the compounds - hydroxycitric acid, or HCA (the extract from the Garcinia Cambogia fruit), and

GCA (Green Coffee Chlorogenic Acid Extract) - cause such dramatic weight loss that they are ripe for abuse by people who only want to lose weight for cosmetic reasons. Proponents of the nutrients claim that they have been proven by scientific studies to be effective and safe, and that banning the natural compounds would be akin to banning vitamins.

Doctors are enthusiastic about Garcinia Cambogia for overweight patients because it works in two ways to accomplish weight loss.

1) First, it prevents the liver from turning the sugar and carbohydrates in food into fat. When a normal body is fed a meal containing a high percentage of carbs, much of the food is processed by the liver and stored in fat cells. There, it will be kept in reserve until it is needed during a time of intense energy use or famine. However, modern lifestyles rarely call upon the body to use this stored energy, and therefore it just keeps accumulating.

HCA flips a switch in the liver that prevents it from adding too much fat to the body’s storage system and instead sends the food to be used immediately by the muscles. This not only gives the patient increased energy, but it also helps the user build more lean muscle mass. This, in turn, increases weight loss even more, since lean muscle burns about 10 times as many calories as fat does during daily activities.

2) The second beneficial effect that Garcinia Cambogia has for an overweight person is that it reduces the desire to eat for emotional reasons. Since many folks who struggle with their weight report that they often eat because they are tired, stressed, bored or anxious, rather than truly hungry, this can be vital. Doctors believe that garcinia cambogia releases a chemical into the bloodstream as it is digested. This results in an increased production of serotonin, a naturally-occurring “feel-good” substance that helps a person feel full longer and have less desire to eat emotionally. Serotonin also helps manage the production of cortisol—a stress hormone that has been identified as a cause of increased fat storage around the belly.

It is only logical to assume that dieters who incorporate a sensible diet and exercise regimen along with their consumption of high-quality HCA like that found in Garcinia Cambogia Plus, will have even more impressive results than those who depend on the supplement alone.

One thing people on both sides can agree on is that the controvercial, new supplements when used in conjunction work. According to a new study from researchers at Georgetown University Medical Center, men and women who took the Garcinia Cambogia supplement for 8 weeks lost an average of 16.5 pounds without additional diet or exercise.

Another study published in the journal Nutrition Research found that people taking Garcinia Cambogia extract lost an average of 6.7 percent of their total body weight, including 12.3 percent of their total body fat - with zero side effects. In fact, not only were there not any side effects, but people using the supplement actually experienced improved health measures across the board, including reductions in bad LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood sugar.

And if all that weren’t reason enough to have desperate slimmers stocking up, researchers from the Department of Laboratory Medicine found that people taking Garcinia Cambogia extract experienced a significant decline in cravings for sweets and other foods high in carbohydrates - likely due to the nutrient’s positive effect on insulin and blood sugar counts.

A similar study published in the journal Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity found that people taking Green Coffee Bean extract lost an average of 8.4% of their total body weight and 4.4% of their total body fat - without making any changes to their diet.

Should Garcinia Cambogia and Green Coffee Bean Be Regulated?

News of this breakthrough has spread like wildfire and has propelled Garcinia Cambogia and Green Coffee Bean extract to the top of the weight loss world. However, some doctors argue this fat loss duo may, in fact, cause too much of a weight reduction to be offered over-the-counter and therefore should be regulated like Xenical and other prescription diet aids.

Indeed, published, peer-reviewed research shows an average weight loss of 10 percent of a person’s bodyweight within just 10 weeks - an effect greater than most prescription diet pills.

This has some weight-management experts fearing the new super slimmers may, in fact, cause too much weight loss and may be abused by people who have no business taking it. In fact, The Norwegian Department of Public Health recently did a survey that showed 23% of normal-weight people consider themselves overweight - and are therefore four times more likely to misuse diet aids in an unwarranted attempt to lose weight.

Weight-management experts, as well as the Norwegian researchers, point out that the slimming aids should only be used by overweight individuals, not vanity seekers, in conjunction with healthy eating and regular physical activity.

How to Be a Smart Garcinia Cambogia/Green Coffee Bean Shopper...

No doubt about it, the Garcinia Cambogia/Green Coffee Bean diet is probably the number one bestselling diet in the U.S. And for good reason - both the research and real-life success stories suggest it really does seem to live up to the hype. Not surprisingly, given its popularity, Garcinia and Green Coffee products are advertised all over the internet.

But before you buy, be cautious because a high percentage of Garcinia Cambogia and Green Cofee Bean supplements advertised online contain a host of fillers and added ingredients like caffeine, which you absolutely don’t want.

While there are a lot of products to choose from, and you should choose whichever product you like best, we like the Garcinia Cambogia and Green Coffee Bean formulas called Garcinia Cambogia Plus and Green Coffee Cleanse Ultra (see Gold Box Deal below). These pure forms of HCA and GCA are manufactured in the United States, contain no fillers or other unnecessary ingredients, are tested daily for quality control and potency, and the recommended dosages are the same as those used in the clinical trials. In addition, the manufacturers are giving away complementary sample bottles, so you can try the products with no risk. All you pay is $4.95 (shipping) to have the 30-day supply sent to your doorstep.